Join our Gym

The centre has a great gym for members open from

Monday       8.30am until 9.00pm

Tuesday       8.30am until 9.00pm

Wednesday 8.30am until 9.00pm

Thursday     8.30am until 9.00pm

Friday          8.30am until 9.00pm

Saturday     8:30am until 6.00pm

Sunday        8:30am until 4.00pm


  • £15.00 per month for unlimited use, 
  • £5.00 per week, or 
  • £2.00 per session.


It is now our request that as many payments as possible are made via BACS for the GYM to

make the process more efficient. Please send your payment via BACS and inform us that you

have made your payment.

Our bank details:


Bank Details:

Chopwell Community Association

Sort Code : 30-19-54

Account :    03085970

REF:              your full membership name


To join please complete the following form to register your interest or ring the Office

01207 562462.